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{{menuItemClasses}} helper not working correctly?

  • #10478
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    The page at shows the option to add classes to this helper for example:

    {{menuItemClasses "active"}}

    But when I try this out the active class does not appear to be inserted in the rendered website, am I doing something incorrect?

    Avatar photoBob

    Describe more details, and let us know the complete menu code.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I have a custom menu.hbs file and my bootstrap theme needs a “nav-item” class on each menu item. Then I wanted to be able to use a custom class on each nav-item that I could insert through the Publii dashboard.

    <ul class="navbar-nav">
       {{! loop generating a list of menu items}}
       {{#each items}}
          <li {{menuItemClasses "nav-item"}}>
          {{! check if the menu item is a link }}
          {{#if link}}
                {{! check if title attribute exists }}
                {{#if title}}
                {{! /check if title attribute exists }}
                {{! check if target attribute exists }}
                {{#if target}}
                {{! /check if target attribute exists }}
                {{! check if rel attribute exists }}
                {{#if rel}}
                {{! /check if rel attribute exists }}
                {{! check if the menu item contains a submenu }}
                {{#if items}}
                {{/if}} class="nav-link">
                {{! /check if the menu item contains a submenu }}
             {{! /check if the menu item is a link }}
             {{! if the menu item is not a link display a separator }}
                {{#if title}}
                {{#if items}}
             {{! if the menu item is not a link display a separator }}
          {{! check if the menu item contains a submenu }}
          {{#if items}}
             {{> menu}}
          {{! check if the menu item contains a submenu }}
       {{! /loop generating a list of menu items}}
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I decided to just use the :nth-child() pseudo selector in my stylesheet to color each individual menu item instead of adding the color class in Publii like I originally tried to do. I also ended up using the menu classes to set a font icon to each menu item for example: <i {{menuItemClasses}}></i>