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New regeneration error in 0.38

  • #5452
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Running as an appimage on ubuntu 20.04:

                                image.scaleToFit(finalWidth, finalHeight)
    TypeError: Cannot read property 'scaleToFit' of undefined
        at Jimp.<anonymous> (/tmp/.mount_PubliiwvKGDY/resources/app.asar/back-end/image.js:411:35)
        at Timeout._onTimeout (/tmp/.mount_PubliiwvKGDY/resources/app.asar/node_modules/@jimp/core/dist/index.js:264:25)
        at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:549:17)
        at processTimers (internal/timers.js:492:7)

    I’ve run “regenerate thumbnails” 3 different times, every time it gets stuck at 45%. It can’t tell which image is causing it.

    I’m running regenerate because the update to simple theme and the new 0.38 seems to have random images missing from my site. The images are there on the server, just not rendering in the browser. If you right click, view source, the image path is correct and you can click on it to see the image.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    Are you using WebP images somewhere?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I updated to 0.38.1 appimage. And the regeneration still hangs. I have exactly one webp image:

    `find ./ -name “*.webp”

    I ran `convert DS012C5_900x.webp DS012C5_900x.png` and edited the reference in the editor for post 802.

    Regeneration still hangs at 46%:

    image.scaleToFit(finalWidth, finalHeight)

    TypeError: Cannot read property ‘scaleToFit’ of undefined
    at Jimp. (/tmp/.mount_PubliiTvySqP/resources/app.asar/back-end/image.js:411:35)
    at Timeout._onTimeout (/tmp/.mount_PubliiTvySqP/resources/app.asar/node_modules/@jimp/core/dist/index.js:264:25)
    at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:549:17)
    at processTimers (internal/timers.js:492:7)`

    The last file entry in regenerate-progress.log is:

    `(i) Content image detected (img_3319.jpg) 737
    PROGRESS: 317 682`

    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    I will reanalyse this issue in v.0.38.2:

    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    I have tried to reproduce this issue on my Ubuntu 20.04 on *.deb and *.AppImage version of Publii v.0.38.1

    I have created 2 posts:

    – first post with webp and JPG image

    – second post with JPG image

    I have tried to regenerate thumbnails with first post only and after adding the second post.
    Please also check if regenerate-errors.log contains something.

    In both cases the regeneration finished properly, so webp image is not a problem here – it is properly skipped.

    The only idea which I have – maybe the img_3319.jpg image is corrupted.