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Parallax Website Design Techniques for future Publii Professional themes

  • #10408
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    Congratulations to on creating yet another superb high quality theme design with the latest ‘Changelog’ design. Stunning! While personally, I’m not keen on the demo default colours, as with all Publii professional themes, I know they can be changed easily, so no problem.

    For one or more future themes ideas, and to ‘complete the range’, would / could the Publii team come up with one or more themes that use parallax website design techniques?

    Though I understand that one challenge with parallax websites is to make them accessible, since @Bob and @Tomasz Dziuda are a bit like web superheroes, maybe Publii could get close to ‘almost accessible’? Or near accessible. Maybe that would be good enough for these more engaging theme ideas?

    Some examples that I think are stunning include:

    – The BBC storytelling techniques used at: , and others.

    – An engaging ‘step-up ‘storytelling’ example from — that includes parallax and a ‘storytelling map sequence’ that users can follow as they scroll up and down the page.

    What does anyone else think?

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    Hi, not sure if we mean the same thing by parallax, but the nice Splitian theme has a parallax slider.

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    I was thinking a technique something like the BBC has done at: but in a premium Publii theme and done in such a way that the parallax effect could — if chosen — be used in one or more content pages in addition to say the home page. The idea of course is to create a more engaging storyline / storyboard impact.

    Of course, this kind of thing can be done by modifying an existing Publii theme. However, if one — or more — were available ‘out of the box’, how cool would that be? 🙂

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    That’s indeed a very nice and interesting site. I would like to see a theme using that technique as well (would imho be worth a premium theme).

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    For the map one: here is the Codrops tutorial for anyone interested:

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    Thanks for the tutorial link. While in fantasy-land, I wondered how cool an interactive storytelling ‘tracer’ like the one you’ve shown would be if it were available as a plugin for Publii. Perhaps ditto even for a ‘parallax’ effect as a plugin. Though back in the real world, both seem impossible as a plugin, surely too much coding and too many variables maybe. However, Publii premium themes seem to be at the forefront of the latest web technologies, so I guess we may be surprised in time.


    Agreed. Engaging storytelling is surely a near perfect fit for both blogging and ‘business-based’ websites: parallax can be a great way to keep visitors ‘on the page’ for longer. The drawback of course is some accessibility sacrifice (perhaps). Though if the parallax effect comes built into the theme design (no additional mods needed), this is great when it comes time to update the theme: quicker, easier, simpler. For me personally, it’s got to be worth triple the usual Publii theme price because you can use it in so many different ways for different projects.