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PNG files increasing in size after upload?

  • #10412
    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    I have been playing with image compression both jpg and png and how publii handles images.

    I had a PNG compressed down to 500kb but when I uploaded, I checked the responsive versions and when I downloaded the XXXL version it was actually 1.5mb … how is this possible?

    Contrastly, when I upload JPGs it seems to crush the heck out of them and get the file sizes super small.

    Any tips or experience on all of this?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    This isn’t a “fix” per se but you can go to input\media\posts and run everything through a tool like pinga. The responsive images will stay  compressed unless you upload a new image or change the sizes in your theme.

    Also you could enable webp and the absolute majority of your visitors will be served that instead of png.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    As far as I am aware, Publii automatically compresses images for you as part of its final publishing process. So no need to do it by hand. Also, from Publii v0.41 ( ), Publii includes the option of converting all .jpg and .png images to use WebP image formats too.