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Portfolio theme footer issue

  • #5097
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    hi, after I have updated the publii app to the latest version, the footer on the portfolio theme doesn’t show anymore on wider screens (it’s visible only on mobile and tablet).

    I’ve tried to fix it with custom CSS but the issue is still there.

    any ideas?

    Best Regards


    Avatar photoBob

    any URL?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    hi Bob,

    thanks for the quick reply.

    sorry I don’t have a live url, I just started to do work on a website when I stumbled upon this problem.

    the theme is the original portfolio, so it’s NOT modified.

    if you require a live url I could try to create a new github repository later on today for troubleshooting.



    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    hi Bob,

    I did a workaround,  went on publii website and clicked the portfolio theme live preview and copied the footer css from it thru devtools an added it to the custom css tool in the app and now it’s ok but once you start a website from scratch you have to repeat the same process again.

    Best Regards