Problem with some special caracter
December 26, 2023 at 1:42 am #11403
Hello for an unknown reason after an update of the last PUBLII version
<p class=”about-version” data-v-f29c3746=””>Version: 0.44.2 (build 16552)</p>
<p data-v-f29c3746=””>I got now some error in front and i cannot found the problem</p>
<p data-v-f29c3746=””>this caracter appear many times</p>
<p data-v-f29c3746=””>Â = it should not be there at all</p>
<p data-v-f29c3746=””>€ = it should be €</p>
<p data-v-f29c3746=””>any help plese ?</p>
<p data-v-f29c3746=””>thanks</p>December 26, 2023 at 2:50 am #11404[anonymous]
Do you have the same issue on the preview? Or only after upload your website?
BTW I cannot locate  character on your linked website – I see only issue with the € sign
Could you also try to replace € with € entity in the post source code ?
December 26, 2023 at 4:03 am #11408[anonymous]
No i dont have same issue on the preview only after upload my website!
really you dont see any issue 🙄
waoww cause i tried to open with chrome + firefox and still have same issue.ok let me try to replace € with € entity in the post source code
ok when i replaced as you ask PUBLII doesnt want to SAVE my change
December 26, 2023 at 10:43 am #11410[anonymous]
Ok, I have found an issue – for some reason you must have <meta charset=”UTF-8″> in head section
Please open Tools & Plugins -> Custom HTML -> select “Head” and put “<meta charset=”UTF-8″>”
it should solve your problem after resync
I will add this metatag in the next update automatically
December 26, 2023 at 10:46 am #11411[anonymous]
BTW – maybe you are using our Advanced <head> Manager plugin?
I am asking, because it has an option to disable meta charset tag and our themes by default contains this metatag
December 26, 2023 at 1:45 pm #11415[anonymous]
Hello Tomasz yes I am using Advanced head Manager plugin
- so what should I do exactly to optimize it ?
- also i see that google banned me is that any link with advanced head manager, did i did something wrong ?
December 26, 2023 at 2:43 pm #11418[anonymous]
Please provide me screenshot of your advanced head manager configuration
December 26, 2023 at 3:10 pm #11419[anonymous]
- first solution to add “<meta charset=”UTF-8″>” didnt work
- second solution “to disable meta charset tag and our themes by default contains this metatag” fix the problem 😀
- screenshot below as your demand or attached
December 26, 2023 at 3:22 pm #11422[anonymous]
Also about google banned i want to share with you some data
- I launch the domain + one page html with PUBLII the 9 december 2023
- After only 6 days the website rank to the first page with position 3 to 4 😛
- no Backlink, no IA content nothing else expect a good code html + human SEO content
- but 10 days later Google deindex the website and now i am nowhere 🙁
so i am trying to search the problem
<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>PageSpeed insight warn me about</span>
1. the size font on Mobile that is too small should be minimum 12 px
2. this balise is missing <meta name=”viewport”>
so this is why also I asked about a template where i can control Mobile code independently from Desktop version. So you answer me to check ART GRALLERY premum template, than i will buy it if you confirm i can manage those infos.
December 27, 2023 at 11:49 am #11425[anonymous]
Your problem with viewport is connected with fact that you have removed this metatag in the advanced <head> manager plugin – in fact you should only use this option if you want to use custom viewport metatag.
Lack of the viewport metatag can be a strong rank factor, as Google treats your website as non-mobile.
December 27, 2023 at 4:31 pm #11428[anonymous]
OMG ok than i enable it again, thanks
lets see how google will react now