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Rendering process failed

  • #11131
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I changed the device.

    All sites from the backup give this error when trying rendering.

    When you delete a folder “Autors”, it is created again, it has files in it.

    Preview “author” works.

    Sync & preview sites doesn’t works.

    Is there any way to disable this step?

    Rendering process failed
    An error occurred during rendering process:
    EPERM: operation not permitted, rmdir 'D:\04 Publii\sites\***\output\media\authors'
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    i fixed it.

    Error is related to empty folders in \input\ folder.

    If \input\ are empty folders, there will be errors in the same name \output\ folders.

    Important. If in “Site settings” in the section “Website Speed” are enabled “Enable responsive images” then Publii creates empty folders in “input” if the article has no images. These folders will also give an error.

    If you enabled “Enable responsive images” and then disabled this, empty folders are saved.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]
