simple (default) theme errors
October 21, 2023 at 4:54 am #10775
not sure how valid these are…
Unknown property ‘font-smooth’. Declaration dropped.
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped.
Expected color but found ‘gray-2’. Error in parsing value for ‘color’. Declaration dropped.
Expected color but found ‘gray-2’. Error in parsing value for ‘color’. Declaration dropped.
Expected color but found ‘gray-2’. Error in parsing value for ‘color’. Declaration dropped.October 21, 2023 at 11:30 am #10777Bob
What version of Publii and theme are you using?
When does this error message appear?October 21, 2023 at 1:20 pm #10780[anonymous]
sorry Bob – i must’ve been awful tired to forget that info
publii 0.43.1 (build 16393)
simple – no added css, no plugins
the errors are in style.css for the SImple theme and can be seen in the browser dev tools console when loading any page or on the w3c site which reports an additional 249 warnings – this is by feeding it style.css directly from /input/themes/simple/assets/css/
the “font-smooth” and “-moz-osx-font-smoothing” are used to style the html element
“color:gray-2” is used in .post__meta, .feed__meta and figcaption
October 21, 2023 at 1:38 pm #10781Bob
I also use Firefox (developer edition 119.0b9) and I can’t replicate the issue right now. But I believe there is no cause for concern.
October 21, 2023 at 1:40 pm #10782[anonymous]
go to the w3c site and feed it style.css directly from /input/themes/simple/assets/css/
it reports an additional 249 warnings in addition to the errors
October 21, 2023 at 1:52 pm #10783Bob
🙂 Don’t worry about it, it’s quite normal. Here are the common reasons why the W3C CSS Validator might display warnings:
- Unknown Properties: If you are using CSS properties that are not part of the official specification, the validator may issue a warning.
- Vendor Prefixes: Properties with vendor prefixes (e.g., `-webkit-`, `-moz-`, `-ms-`) can also generate warnings, as they are not part of the official specification.
- Deprecated Properties: Using outdated properties that have been superseded by new ones can also trigger warnings.
- Incomplete Rules: Missing brackets, semicolons, or other syntactical elements can also result in warnings.
- Suboptimal Usage: Sometimes the validator suggests that certain properties can be used more effectively, indicating this with a warning.
Just ignore it.
October 21, 2023 at 2:24 pm #10784[anonymous]
oh i’m not worried about it, i just think the css could be simplified in my most humble opinion – personally i don’t like using depreciated/unknown properties and i think this can always be worked around using valid css (personally i have zero interest in catering to very old browsers for example)
given that i’m not a css genius however, i would like to propose an alternate version of Simple (Simpler?) which addresses these issues, but mostly for 2 other reasons; 1) remove the transition animation stuff from the header and hero and 2) re-do the hero section so it shows the whole post thumbnail as it is with no overlay and move the post title above the image
i totally understand if you don’t wish to tackle this (i’m sure there’s a lot more important items occupying your plate) but i’d prefer someone more experienced than myself handle it
October 21, 2023 at 2:35 pm #10785Bob
Concluding this thread, the problem is not CSS, but the validator.
In terms of errors not warnings, it is indeed related to the color `gray-2` because instead of using `var(–gray-2)`, `color: gray-2` was used. I will fix this in the next release of the Simple theme.October 21, 2023 at 2:48 pm #10786Bob
I have fixed the ‘gray-2’ color issue in Simple version, which is available for download now. 21, 2023 at 2:51 pm #10787[anonymous]
the problem is the validator? you do realize the w3c writes the standards i assume
not sure why you chose to ignore the rest of my post
October 21, 2023 at 2:52 pm #10788[anonymous]
I have fixed …
thanks -appreciated
October 21, 2023 at 3:05 pm #10789Bob
[anonymous] wrote:the problem is the validator? you do realize the w3c writes the standards i assume. not sure why you chose to ignore the rest of my post
Sorry, but I don’t have time to keep repeating why the validator is showing warnings or the font-smooth issue, please research a bit.