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Simple Theme Questions

  • #2830
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    We are continuing to experiment with Publii and moving our sites over. We had two questions with the simple theme:

    1. Is there a way to change the colors for Info, Tips, Success or Warning options without editing the theme? The green and red are a bit faint and hard to see.
    2. On our amp page, there is a massive “powered by publii” at the bottom. Is it possible to remove that?
    Avatar photoBob


    To change the style of the messages you can use the Custom CSS tool:

    .msg {
      padding: 1.1333333333rem 2.2666666667rem;
    .msg--highlight {
      background-color: #F7F5EA;
    .msg--info {
      background: #F2F9FF;
    .msg--success {
      background: #F7FBF6;
    .msg--warning {
      background: #FFF3F3;
      color: #A94442;

    The AMP footer can be edited via its settings (Site Settings → Advanced options → AMP )