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SQLite error due to Dropbox synchronization with Publii 0.44.4

  • #11632
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I have a lot of SQLite errors in the Publii backend:

    A JavaScript error occurred in the main process
    Uncaught Exception:
    SQlite3Error: database is locked
    at Database._handleError

    Sometime, it works fine, sometimes not, espacially for posts and website generation.

    The problem comes from the Dropbow synchronisation. The SQLite file is locked by the Dropbox client to sync it with the cloud, while Publii needs to write data!

    It was’nt the case with the previous releases of Publii. I don’t know why it happens now…

    To fix the problem, simply suspend Dropbox synchronization when working on the Publii backend 😉

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hallo zusammen,
    ich habe das Vertrauen in Publii langsam verloren. Ich arbeite mit der vorletzten Version, nachdem ich das Programm völlig neu aufgesetzt habe. Jetzt habe ich den nicht mehr den bisherigen SqLight3-Fehler, sondern mehrfach bricht der Upload nach etwa 4-5 Stunden ab mit der angefügten JacaScript-Fehlermeldung.
    So ist das nicht mehr nur ärgerlich, sondern macht auch nun wirklich keinen Spaß mehr.

    Glückauf aus Dorsten


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    i have this problem too. i am using the latest version of publii and my server is fine but publii won’t compile and gives this error when i have to close it.

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    Finally we have decided to use better-sqlite3 (previous library) on mac OS / Windows and node-sqlite3-wasm on linux.

    It is the only solution to solve issues with glibc on Linux and avoid issues with locked files on Windows.

    The problem seems to be an issue with locking method used by node-sqlite3-wasm library.

    I will prepare prebuild version with this fix in the next week so I can share it with you

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Great thanks, Sooner the better please

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    Thanks for your feedback, Tomasz! I see your point, not so easy to understand this issue… But if you have a solution, it’s perfect!

    Have a good day!