I was able to sync with GitHub just 4 days ago, but I am not getting the below error.
This morning, it started with telling me that my authentication failed which really surprised me (as I had not changed anything). So I did a bunch of review and even re-issued my GitHub Access token to make sure if was done 100% to match the documentation.
An error occurred while connecting to the server: E1 {“code”:404,”status”:”Not Found”,”message”:{\”message\”:”\Not Found\”,\”documentation_url\”:\”https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/git#get-a-reference\”|”}
I can see that https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/git#get-a-reference does not exist (perhaps it should be https://docs.github.com/en/rest/git/refs ?). But, I am not clear on why my Sync is failing because Publii cannot find a public URL on GitHub.
Urgent advise would be greatly appreciated since I am trying to update our website to include a newly released publication.
I am using Publii Version: 0.40.3 (build 15745)