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URL from WordPress Import are not the same

  • #1753
    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    When importing posts from WordPress using the WP Importer the URLs are not exact, they change and match the Title of the post. Is there a way to choose the preferred URL from the import?


    Avatar photoBob

    Publii generates a user and SEO friendly URLs in the way you probably have noticed. There is no way to import your own slugs into Publii.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Ok, thank you Bob. Do you think this could be a future feature of the importer?

    Importing hundreds of URLs that are already optimized for search engines (without “the”, “and”, etc) and already getting traffic, it’s a time consuming task to edit one by one. Is there any way to change them in bulk once imported?


    Avatar photoBob

    I’m afraid we have no plan for that.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]
    [anonymous] wrote:

    Ok, thank you Bob. Do you think this could be a future feature of the importer?

    Importing hundreds of URLs that are already optimized for search engines (without “the”, “and”, etc) and already getting traffic, it’s a time consuming task to edit one by one. Is there any way to change them in bulk once imported?


    Perhaps once imported into Publii, you could do a search and replace in the db.sqlite file (edit the slugs, etc). Though, of course, make a backup first.

    Alternatively, maybe add a 301 redirects listing in your Publii .htaccess file.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Thanks itips3727, that could work.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    You can rebuild the app, it’s built with Electron. The WXR importer code is easy to read. All it needs to do is to read a field from your WXR/XML file. I manually edited the slugs but I had 43 posts, not 400, to edit.

    That the slugs don’t allow slashes is annoying since it means you need to set up redirection if you’ve used a path pattern such as/topic/year/title – which is common. I solved it by replacing slashes with underscores, used that as a slug and then set up a rewrite rule to redirect traffic to the old paths.