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Web Site Synchronization not completing

  • #11172
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Synchronization is hanging on the last item:
    I042 of 1043 operations done

    I had to press cancel. Tried several times to sync and restarted publli too. nothing works.

    I just updated to:
    on publii .44.1, using n-tech template

    please help

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Also, using AWS S3 and didn’t having any issues before the software/template update

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    This is in my deployment.process.log

    [Tue, 28 Nov 2023 20:15:09 GMT] S3 ERROR: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘C:\Users\****\Documents\Publii\sites\****\output\publii\files.publii.json

    (note: I used **** to redact the path)

    This is the actual path to the files.publii.json file

    For some reason it’s appending the \publii folder on the end of the path.

    This appears to be a publii bug. Is there some config file that wasn’t updated on upgrade that I can quicly fox?

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    In the server settings i have set the prefix to publii/

    this worked before.

    I removed this setting and it appears to have synched properly, however, my cloudfront is set to the publii s folder and I don’t want to change it.

    What is the fix?

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    I have found a potential reason of the issue – it occurs only when you are using non-empty prefix – I will fix it in the next version v.0.44.2 which will be relased in the nearest days

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    BTW are you using windows version?

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    If you are using Windows – you can try to download v.0.44.2 prerelease EXE file from here:

    It contains my fix for this bug

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    Yes. I’m using windows. I moved everything to root, so I’m good for now. Will move back to my publii folder when the official next release comes out.


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    I don’t know if it’s the same problem, but I’ve noticed since update 0.44 that synchronization to AWS doesn’t always work. Sometimes, but not every time, the process stops at the Uploading website step. In Deployment_process.log file, the error :

    [Thu, 30 Nov 2023 12:17:12 GMT] <- files.publii.json
    [Thu, 30 Nov 2023 12:17:12 GMT] S3 ERROR: write ECONNABORTED

    You then have to click Cancel and restart. Sometimes it works the second time, sometimes you have to try several times.

    <p class=”simple-translate-result” dir=”auto”></p>
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    @clac1 – maybe it is related to your internet connection? Because the error can suggest it – connection is aborted during try to write a file in S3

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    That’s what I said to myself, but I don’t think so, because I can browse sites at the same time.

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    Thanks for the information.

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    Working internet connection does not meant that there is no issues between AWS and your ISP 🙂 Your description suggest that it can be this kind of problem

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    I wonder whether this message is present in the log file or whether it is written when I click on Cancel when synchronization is blocked.

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    Downloaded the Windows version posted above, and upload still hangs partway through.

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    @Tomasz Dziuda Has there been a fix put in place for the MacOs Intel Chip version of publii? I’ve having the same issue where Website Synchronization doesn’t complete.


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    Scratch all that: I said that turning off SFTP fixed the problem for me, because my site managed to upload successfully after I did that. But I made an edit to the post, and now it’s hanging again 🙁

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    Ditto, sync hanging for me on a previous file that behaved on earlier uploads. Removed all files from the server and started fresh. Mine consistently hanging on 121 of 241. I’m working in a test environment but wanted to share..

    I’m Windows 10, Version: 0.44.1 (build 16519) with a default template. TY.